Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wearing it out

Okay, now that a couple days have passed without word (what is up with guys?), I am wondering if perhaps I spoke too soon. Maybe his lunch-vibe and weekend-call-vibe was more in my head than for real ... I don't know.

But I tell you what, I am more excited these days than I have been in a long time. I'm, like, in uber-sex-mood. (Which is saying a lot.)

And so I thought I'd just tell you about an email I got tonight: a friend of mine, after reading my last couple blog posts, remarked to me "I bet you have been wearing out the rabbit lately anticipating this." And in answer I tell you ... I bought a 24-pack of AA batteries on sale at Target last week, and I've already used up 1/4 of them ... don't know if it's the battery life that sucks or how much juice the rabbit (which uses 4 AA batteries, which I replace whenever I start to feel like they're slowing down and not giving me as much vibration as I want) uses up or the fact that when I masturbate with the rabbit (which I do more than once a day) I tend to masturbate for anywhere between 30 minutes and an hour (this truly is my replacement for sex, I'm tellin' ya) ... but yeah, my sweet rabbit is getting some real use these days. And btw, dammit, I really should invest in stock in Duracell ....

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