Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Last year I wrote a post about a conversation I'd had with an attorney from another firm who tried to persuade me into running for (or at least thinking about running for) a judicial position that had recently opened up on the bench of the particular court before which he and I mostly appear as part of our practice. I remember thinking at the time how strange it felt to have someone come to me with that idea, how out of the blue it was since I've never ever considered such a thing myself, and how odd and funny it also seemed at the time because another attorney I know at a different firm had made a remark to me not long before that day, suggesting the same thing. I really truly have never thought to myself that I would make a good judge, or that it would be something that I would want to do; and I actually seriously don't think I could get elected, at least at this point in my life, even if I wanted to. But it was strangely fascinating to hear two different people I know and sometimes work on cases with, from two different law firms, suggest it to me on their own like that. I mean it was a crazy idea in itself; but to have two different people suggest it like that? Funny.

Well today I experienced deja vu, all over again. Because right now there is another vacancy on that same court, and this morning another attorney, from another law firm, said to me, "you should run." It took me aback. Again. I think he was serious. I've known this attorney longest of all, actually; I first met him when I first started out practicing law, when he had just made partner at his firm. And in the past five years, I've had more and more occasion to work with him, on multiple-party cases. And his comment this morning took me completely by surprise.

I honestly still have no intention of running. I don't know if I'd want to; and I actually doubt I could win a seat on that bench if I tried. But I can't help but feel wonder and, to be perfectly honest, kind of touched, that now a third person has out of the blue made this suggestion to me. A third attorney, at a third law firm, that I have occasion to work with, sometimes as co-counsel and sometimes as opposing counsel.

I don't know what it is I've done to manage to fool them all into apparently thinking so well of me professionally. But shit baby, I hope I can keep it up.


ChicagoSane said...

Good liars make great politicians!

Maybe you'll do well :)

Ismael Tapia II said...

I said it before and I'll say it again, dude: you should totally run.

How're you doing, by the way? E-mail me when you get the chance if you want.

Anonymous said...

and then he put tires on your porch

sadielady said...

chicago guy, i just checked out your blog for the first time after seeing your comment; you've got a new fan. :)

ismael, thanks.

anonymous, why do i ever tell you things.