Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm kick ass

Today I was in court for an emergency hearing. A 6-plus hour hearing, seeking immediate injunctive relief, that I only had notice of to prepare for as of Monday, two days ago. (Well ok, I knew on Friday afternoon late that it was going to be coming, but I had more important things to do over the weekend, like go up to the mountains with my new man to get the shit fucked out of me.)

So the past 48 hours have been crazy busy at work getting ready for this hearing, and today was a long day. But I won; but even better, (well I guess I shouldn't say even better, I guess I should say the cherry on top), was that the big boss man was in court watching the entire hearing, and when it was over he complimented me, said he was impressed, and, here's my favorite quote, told me that my "presentation of the case was flawless." Flawless! I have to agree. Not to be immodest or anything, but shit, when the big boss man is right, he's right.

That's me: flawless, and kick ass.

(p.s. One of my clients was in court watching, he wasn't even involved in this particular case, but he was extremely interested in it, and he wanted to watch; during one of the breaks, he said to me: "I'd be scared to come up against you in court. I'm just glad I've got you on MY side." That was awesome too.)

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