Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fuck It.

I'm back.

The workplace has been crazy the past few months, and getting crazier day by day. The turnover rate is huge right now, started not long after new management took over. And one of the things a number of people have gotten nailed on lately is secret-employer-police looking over people's shoulders and signing on to their user accounts to determine what web sites they've visited on their work pc's, to see if there's anything there that violates the workplace internet usage policy. Out of a sense of foreboding, I decided it was best to delete my blog, a place I'd accessed plenty from my work computer, a place where I'd ranted a good bit about work shit.

But fuck it. I need an outlet, dammit. And probably no one at work cares what sites I've accessed on my computer. But more importantly, when a single thirty-something girl finds herself venting all her day-to-day stuff by drinking wine at night and talking to her two cats, then she's in danger of more serious repercussions than just finding herself perhaps out of a job working for nosy employers one day.

This blog may not be totally healthy, and there's a not-entirely-paranoia-induced chance that it could get me fired, but I tell you what ... it sure as hell beats running the risk of turning into Eleanor Abernathy.


Unknown said...

Sweet. The blogosphere hasn't been nearly as interesting without you!

ML said...

so glad you are back.
missed your ranting ;)

lots of lovely comebacks lately, very good!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back! I was worried that something had happened to you.